Full Calendar Advance

FullCalendar is a drag-n-drop jQuery plugin for displaying events on a full-sized calendar.

External Dragging

Add extended dragging functionality with droppable option. Data can be attached to the element in order to specify its duration when dropped. A Duration-ish value can be provided. This can either be done via jQuery or via an data-duration attribute. This option operates with jQuery UI draggables. You must download the appropriate jQuery UI files and initialize a draggable element. Additionally, you must set the calendar's droppable option to true.

Draggable Events

All Day Event
Long Event
Birthday party
Conference Meeting
Happy Hour
Dance party


Allows a user to highlight multiple days or timeslots by clicking and dragging. To let the user make selections by clicking and dragging, selectable option must be set to true. The select and unselect callbacks will be useful for monitoring when selections are made and cleared.