Date Time Dropper

Datepicker and Timepicker plugins based on jQuery


The smallest and powerful jQuery UI datepicker.



When set to true (default) the dropdown will run an initial state animation when the user clicks the control for the first time and all user changes are animated.

Init Animation

Animation Style to use when init datedropper. There are three available animation values: fadeIn(default), bounce, dropDown.


A date format string that dateDropper expects existing values to be in and will write dates out it. Default: m-d-Y


Display Language to use for Month name and Day-of-week. (English by default)


Set the initial value to current date or lock the control value to current date: false(default), from, to.

Max Year

The highest year value the control will allow. Current year by default.

Min Year

The oldest year the control will allow. Default: 1970

Years Range

It groups the years based on the value set(multiple). Default: 10


Drop Primary Color

Specify a color value for drop down accent color. Default: #2D95BF

Drop Text Color

Specify a color value for drop down text color. Default: #1D2B36

Drop Background Color

Specify a color value for drop down background color. Default: #FFFFFF

Drop Border

Specify a css proprieties for drop down border style. Default: 1px solid #2D95BF

Drop Border Radius

Specify a integer value for drop down border radius. Default: 8

Drop Shadow

Specify a css proprieties for drop down shadow. Default: 0 0 10px 0 rgba(0, 136, 204, 0.45)

Drop Width

Specify a integer value for drop down width. Default: 124

Drop Text Weight

Specify a integer value for drop down text weight. Default: bold


Timedropper is a jQuery time plugin.


Auto Switch

Automatically change hour-minute or minute-hour on mouseup/touchend. (Default: false)


Set time in 12-hour clock in which the 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods. (Default: false).


A time format string that timeDropper expects existing values to be in and will write times out it. (Default: h:mm a)


Enables time change using mousewheel. (Default: false)

Init Animation

Animation Style to use when init timedropper. There are three available animation values: fadeIn(default), dropDown.

Set Current Time

Automatically set current time by default. (Default: true). If set "false", the input "value" attribute is considered as main time value.


Primary Color

Specify a color value for drop down accent color. Default: #237596

Text Color

Specify a color value for drop down text color. Default: #1D2B36

Background Color

Specify a color value for drop down background color. Default: #FFFFFF

Border Color

Specify a color value for drop down border color. Default: #237596