Selectize select

Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery-based and it's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, and so on.

Basic Selectize input

Add .input-selectize class to input field and add value comma saperated.

Basic Selectize select with Placeholder

Add .selectize-select class to select for basic Selectize select field

Basic Selectize select without placeholder
Disabled Selectize select
Selectize multiple select

Add .selectize-multiple class multiple selectize field

Selectize multiple select with placeholder
Selectize multiple select with label
Disabled Selectize multiple select

Advance Selectize Options

Confirm On Remove

Add .confirm-selectize class to confirm on remove a value.

Contact selector like Email apps

Add .select-contact class to create contact selector like Email apps.

Integrate third-party repository

Add .repositories class to Integrate github repository

Lock Single select

Add .selectize-locked class to lock single select

Selectize with 25,000 random items

Add .selectize-junk class to lock single select

Selectize with Remove Button tags

Add .remove-tags class to get select with remove button

Selectize with Remove Button tags Disabled

Add .remove-tags class to get select with remove button & disabled field

Selectize with restore on backspace

Add .backup-restore class to restore on backspace

Sort options of group

Add .selectize-sort class to sort select options

Details about each event

Add .selectize-event class to find which event fire.

Get Movies List by API

Add .selectize-movie class to get movies API.

Options with Links

Add .selectize-movie class to get movies API.

Drag & Drop options

Add .selectise-drap-drop class to sort options by drag and drop.

RTL Input Selectize

Add .selectize-rtl-input class supports RTL to input.

RTL Select field Selectize

Add .selectize-rtl-select class supports RTL to select