Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial.


Disable Display Input

Cursor Mode

Display Previous Value

Angle Offset

Angle Offset And Arc

4 Digit, Step 0.1

Overloaded Draw Method

Overload Draw Thickness

Superpose Clock

Read Only




  • min : min value (default=0)
  • max : max value (default=100)
  • step : step size (default=1)
  • angleOffset : starting angle in degrees (default=0)
  • angleArc : arc size in degrees (default=360)
  • stopper : stop at min & max on keydown/mousewheel (default=true)
  • readOnly : disable input and events (default=false)
  • rotation : direction of progression (default=clockwise)


  • cursor : display mode “cursor”, cursor size could be changed passing a numeric value to the option, default width is used when passing boolean value “true” (default=gauge)
  • thickness : gauge thickness
  • lineCap : gauge stroke endings (default=butt, round=rounded line endings)
  • width : dial width
  • height : dial height
  • displayInput : display input (default=true)
  • displayPrevious : displays the previous value with transparency (default=false)
  • fgColor : foreground color
  • inputColor : input value (number) color
  • font : font family
  • fontWeight : font weight
  • bgColor : background color


  • ‘release’ : executed on release

    Parameters : + value : int, current value

  • ‘change’ : executed at each change of the value

    Parameters : + value : int, current value

  • ‘draw’ : when drawing the canvas

    Context : - this.g : canvas context 2D (see Canvas documentation) - this.$ : jQuery wrapped element - this.o : options - this.i : input - … console.log(this);

  • ‘cancel’ : triggered on [esc] keydown

  • ‘format’ : allows to format output (add unit %, ms …)