
Monthly Profit
  • $8,200

  • $5,400



Total Sales
  • 4789

  • 389



Support Tickets
  • 81

  • 498

  • Remaining
  • Completed
Total monthly Sales.
Total Budget


  • 75%

  • 25%

element 05

Storage Device

945 items

New Orders


Employees Satisfied
Statistics for the last year.

Ongoing Projects

Total ongoing projects 6Project Summary

Project Owner Priority Progress
ReactJS App avatar Sarah W. Low
Fitness App avatar Edward C. Medium
SOU plugin avatar Carol E. Critical
Android App avatar Gregory L. Low
ABC Inc. UI/UX avatar Susan S. Medium
Product UI avatar Walter K. Critical

Invoices Stats

  • Paid
  • Unpaid

Recent Invoices

Total paid invoices 240, unpaid 150. Invoice Summary

Invoice# Customer Name Status Due Amount
INV-001001 Elizabeth W. Paid 10/05/2016 $ 1200.00
INV-001012 Andrew D. Paid 20/07/2016 $ 152.00
INV-001401 Megan S. Paid 16/11/2016 $ 1450.00
INV-01112 Doris R. Overdue 11/12/2016 $ 5685.00
INV-008101 Walter R. Overdue 18/05/2016 $ 685.00
Card image

Philip Garrett

Employee of the month

  • Congratulations to Rob Jones in accounting for winning our #NFL football pool!
  • Contests are a great thing to partner on. Partnerships immediately #DOUBLE the reach.
  • Puns, humor, and quotes are great content on #Twitter. Find some related to your business.
  • Are there #common-sense facts related to your business? Combine them with a great photo.
element 05

Storage Device

Best Design

element 05

Ceramic Bottle

Best UI

  • Congratulations to Rob Jones in accounting for winning our #NFL football pool!
  • Contests are a great thing to partner on. Partnerships immediately #DOUBLE the reach.
  • Puns, humor, and quotes are great content on #Twitter. Find some related to your business.
  • Are there #common-sense facts related to your business? Combine them with a great photo.