Draggable Cards


Content title

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.


Content title

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.


Content title

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.


Content title

Jelly beans sugar plum cheesecake cookie oat cake soufflé.Tootsie roll bonbon liquorice tiramisu pie powder.Donut sweet roll marzipan pastry cookie cake tootsie roll oat cake cookie.

Sweet roll marzipan pastry halvah. Cake bear claw sweet. Tootsie roll pie marshmallow lollipop chupa chups donut fruitcake cake.

Sortable Lists

Basic List Group
The most basic list group is simply an unordered list with list items, and the proper classes.
  • Cras justo odio
  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Morbi leo risus
  • Porta ac consectetur ac
  • Vestibulum at eros
List Group With Tags
The most basic list group is simply an unordered list with list items, and the proper classes.
  • 14 Cras justo odio
  • 2 Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • 1 Morbi leo risus
  • 6 Porta ac consectetur ac
  • 3 Vestibulum at eros
Anchors & Buttons
Use anchors or buttons to create actionable list group items with hover, disabled, and active states by adding .list-group-item-action.
Contextual Classes
Use contextual classes to style list items, default or linked. Also includes .active state.

Sortable Tabs

Tab with Icon

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Icon Tab with top line

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Icon Tab with bottom line

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Icon Tab with bottom Arrow

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Tab with Icon Fall

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Use .nav-iconfall class for icon fall for active state.

Icon Tab with top line

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Use .nav-only-icon class when you use only icons, So that will increase font size.

Sortable Pills

Basic Pills

Oat cake marzipan cake lollipop caramels wafer pie jelly beans. Icing halvah chocolate cake carrot cake. Jelly beans carrot cake marshmallow gingerbread chocolate cake. Gummies cupcake croissant.

Sugar plum tootsie roll biscuit caramels. Liquorice brownie pastry cotton candy oat cake fruitcake jelly chupa chups. Pudding caramels pastry powder cake soufflé wafer caramels. Jelly-o pie cupcake.

Biscuit ice cream halvah candy canes bear claw ice cream cake chocolate bar donut. Toffee cotton candy liquorice. Oat cake lemon drops gingerbread dessert caramels. Sweet dessert jujubes powder sweet sesame snaps.

Takes the basic nav pills from above and adds the .nav-pills class to generate a pilledterface.

Bordered Pills

Oat cake marzipan cake lollipop caramels wafer pie jelly beans. Icing halvah chocolate cake carrot cake. Jelly beans carrot cake marshmallow gingerbread chocolate cake. Gummies cupcake croissant.

Sugar plum tootsie roll biscuit caramels. Liquorice brownie pastry cotton candy oat cake fruitcake jelly chupa chups. Pudding caramels pastry powder cake soufflé wafer caramels. Jelly-o pie cupcake.

Biscuit ice cream halvah candy canes bear claw ice cream cake chocolate bar donut. Toffee cotton candy liquorice. Oat cake lemon drops gingerbread dessert caramels. Sweet dessert jujubes powder sweet sesame snaps.

Use .nav-pill-bordered class to .nav-pills for bordered type pills.

Toolbar Pills

Oat cake marzipan cake lollipop caramels wafer pie jelly beans. Icing halvah chocolate cake carrot cake. Jelly beans carrot cake marshmallow gingerbread chocolate cake. Gummies cupcake croissant.

Sugar plum tootsie roll biscuit caramels. Liquorice brownie pastry cotton candy oat cake fruitcake jelly chupa chups. Pudding caramels pastry powder cake soufflé wafer caramels. Jelly-o pie cupcake.

Biscuit ice cream halvah candy canes bear claw ice cream cake chocolate bar donut. Toffee cotton candy liquorice. Oat cake lemon drops gingerbread dessert caramels. Sweet dessert jujubes powder sweet sesame snaps.

Use .nav-pill-toolbar class to .nav-pills for bordered type pills.

Basic Justified Pills

Macaroon candy canes tootsie roll wafer lemon drops liquorice jelly-o tootsie roll cake. Marzipan liquorice soufflé cotton candy jelly cake jelly-o sugar plum marshmallow. Dessert cotton candy macaroon chocolate sugar plum cake donut.

Use .nav-justified class to set Pills justified.

Basic Stacked Pills

Use .d-block class with .nav.nav-pills to stack them vertically. Each .nav-link becomes block-level, allowing for larger hit areas via mouse or tap.

Pills with Left Icon

Oat cake marzipan cake lollipop caramels wafer pie jelly beans. Icing halvah chocolate cake carrot cake. Jelly beans carrot cake marshmallow gingerbread chocolate cake. Gummies cupcake croissant.

Sugar plum tootsie roll biscuit caramels. Liquorice brownie pastry cotton candy oat cake fruitcake jelly chupa chups. Pudding caramels pastry powder cake soufflé wafer caramels. Jelly-o pie cupcake.

Biscuit ice cream halvah candy canes bear claw ice cream cake chocolate bar donut. Toffee cotton candy liquorice. Oat cake lemon drops gingerbread dessert caramels. Sweet dessert jujubes powder sweet sesame snaps.

Use font icons before pill name to get pills with icon.

Sortable Navs

Base nav

Roll your own navigation style by extending the base .nav component. All Bootstrap’s nav components are built on top of this by specifying additional styles.

Nav with Divider

To add divider, use .dropdown-divider class to <li>

Heading with Icon

You can also add icon to the text in header section.

Icon on both side of links

Sortable Collapsibles

Basic Accordion

Basic accordion toggle.

Caramels dessert chocolate cake pastry jujubes bonbon. Jelly wafer jelly beans. Caramels chocolate cake liquorice cake wafer jelly beans croissant apple pie. Oat cake brownie pudding jelly beans. Wafer liquorice chocolate bar chocolate bar liquorice. Tootsie roll gingerbread gingerbread chocolate bar tart chupa chups sugar plum toffee. Carrot cake macaroon sweet danish. Cupcake soufflé toffee marzipan candy canes pie jelly-o. Cotton candy bonbon powder topping carrot cake cookie caramels lemon drops liquorice. Dessert cookie ice cream toffee apple pie.
Right Aligned Accordion

Use .text-right to header for right aligned text to basic accordion toggle.

Caramels dessert chocolate cake pastry jujubes bonbon. Jelly wafer jelly beans. Caramels chocolate cake liquorice cake wafer jelly beans croissant apple pie. Oat cake brownie pudding jelly beans. Wafer liquorice chocolate bar chocolate bar liquorice. Tootsie roll gingerbread gingerbread chocolate bar tart chupa chups sugar plum toffee. Carrot cake macaroon sweet danish. Cupcake soufflé toffee marzipan candy canes pie jelly-o. Cotton candy bonbon powder topping carrot cake cookie caramels lemon drops liquorice. Dessert cookie ice cream toffee apple pie.
Basic Collapse
It will work as collapsible toggle by default.
Caramels dessert chocolate cake pastry jujubes bonbon. Jelly wafer jelly beans. Caramels chocolate cake liquorice cake wafer jelly beans croissant apple pie. Oat cake brownie pudding jelly beans. Wafer liquorice chocolate bar chocolate bar liquorice. Tootsie roll gingerbread gingerbread chocolate bar tart chupa chups sugar plum toffee. Carrot cake macaroon sweet danish. Cupcake soufflé toffee marzipan candy canes pie jelly-o. Cotton candy bonbon powder topping carrot cake cookie caramels lemon drops liquorice. Dessert cookie ice cream toffee apple pie.
Collapsible with Border Color
Use class .border-COLORto collapse toggle for Collapse heading border color.
Caramels dessert chocolate cake pastry jujubes bonbon. Jelly wafer jelly beans. Caramels chocolate cake liquorice cake wafer jelly beans croissant apple pie. Oat cake brownie pudding jelly beans. Wafer liquorice chocolate bar chocolate bar liquorice. Tootsie roll gingerbread gingerbread chocolate bar tart chupa chups sugar plum toffee. Carrot cake macaroon sweet danish. Cupcake soufflé toffee marzipan candy canes pie jelly-o. Cotton candy bonbon powder topping carrot cake cookie caramels lemon drops liquorice. Dessert cookie ice cream toffee apple pie.