google Bar Chart



Bar Chart

A bar chart is a horizontal bar chart rendered in the browser using SVG or VML, whichever is appropriate for the user's browser. Like all google charts, bar charts display tooltips when the user hovers over the data.

Stacked Bar Chart

A stacked bar chart is a bar chart that places related values atop one another. If there are any negative values, they are stacked in reverse order below the chart's axis baseline. Stacked bar charts are typically used when a category naturally divides into components. For instance, consider some hypothetical book sales, divided by genre and compared across time:

Column Chart

A column chart is a vertical bar chart rendered in the browser using SVG or VML, whichever is appropriate for the user's browser. Like all google charts, column charts display tooltips when the user hovers over the data.

Stacked Column Chart

A stacked column chart is a column chart that places related values atop one another. If there are any negative values, they are stacked in reverse order below the chart's baseline. It's typically used when a category naturally divides into components. For instance, consider some hypothetical book sales, divided by genre and compared across time:

Combo Chart

A chart that lets you render each series as a different marker type from the following list: line, area, bars, candlesticks, and stepped area.

To assign a default marker type for series, specify the seriesType property. Use the series property to specify properties of each series individually.

Bar Intervals

Bar intervals create error bars around your data. The first and last columns of the interval are drawn as wide bars parallel to the domain-axis, and inner columns are drawn as shorter "ticks". A "stick" is added to join the wide bars (if these two bars have the same value then the stick is rendered as a point, unless the pointSize option is zero).

The width of the horizontal bars corresponding to the first and last columns is controlled with intervals.barWidth, and the width of the horizontal bars corresponding to the inner columns is controlled with intervals.shortBarWidth.


A histogram is a chart that groups numeric data into bins, displaying the bins as segmented columns. They're used to depict the distribution of a dataset: how often values fall into ranges.

google Charts automatically chooses the number of bins for you. All bins are equal width and have a height proportional to the number of data points in the bin. In other respects, histograms are similar to column charts.