gmaps - Utils



Context Menu

You must define the control that the context menu is attached (map or marker) and an array of options with title, name and action Inside action you can use this for the GMaps.js object (map in this case) and MouseEvent object e.


You must define an outside callback, which will use this marker and its fence.

You also can use checkMarkerGeofence or checkGeofence methods.

Custom Controls

You can use the following positions:

  • top_center
  • top_left
  • top_right
  • left_top
  • right_top
  • left_center
  • right_center
  • left_bottom
  • right_bottom
  • bottom_center
  • bottom_left
  • bottom_right

You can learn more of custom controls here.

Fusion Table Layers

You can learn more about Fusion Table layers here.

KML and GeoRSS Layers

You can learn more about KML and GeoRSS layers here.

Map Types

You can define many map types from external map services, like OpenStreetMap:

You must define a function called getTileUrl, which returns a tile URL according the coordenates in the map.

Overlay Map Types

You must define a function called getTile, which returns a HTML element used to fill the map overlay. Also, you have to set an overlay index, which place the overlay on top of the base map, according this index.

You can remove an overlay map type using removeOverlayMapType(overlay_index).

Street View Panoramas

You must define container ID, latitude and longitude of the panorama's position.

You also can define a pov (heading, pitch and zoom) and others values defined in the official documentation.

In the same way, you can define events, like in the Map events example. The events allowed are defined in the official documentation ("Events" section).

Interacting with UI

A line chart that is rendered within the browser using SVG or VML. Displays tooltips when hovering over points.

Using indices
Using coordinates

Working with JSON

A line chart that is rendered within the browser using SVG or VML. Displays tooltips when hovering over points.

Results for 'Ceviche' near 'Lima, Peru':